
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
– Xun Kuang

Not All Fun and Games…

Why does parenting have to be so hard?

Your five-year-old daughter refused to wear anything but shorts and rain boots to school today. You wanted to put a sign on her saying, “She dressed herself.”

Your teen is pouting because you and your husband put your foot down about friends riding in the car with her because she just obtained her driver’s license one week ago.

Social media needs limiting, also. Not sure how to approach that one!

And you were horrified when your toddler bit another toddler at a Mother’s Day Out function – so embarrassing! And that’s just today!

Parenting isn’t easy – HELP!

Friends and family (and now the mom’s group) also criticize you for not having a better “handle” on your children. They suggest a day to yourself, but you don’t even think a week would be enough to become rejuvenated.

Overwhelmed, yelling, hurt feelings, and simple burnout rule you these days. You knew parenting wouldn’t be easy but didn’t figure it would be this hard!

“What do my children need from me anyway?”

What’s the deal? You’re a good and intelligent person, love your child, and thought you were reasonably tough. But you must admit that you need help with parenting.

Counseling for Parents – Here’s the help you need!

Let me help! I have decided to fill in the blank differently on the questionnaire about “Who was your best teacher?” I am going to put, “My children!”

I like to help parents learn to parent the “Positive Discipline” way (Nelson and Lott). In opposition to punishment, you will learn that effective discipline teaches children lessons from their poor behavioral choice, thus helping them make better choices in the future.

Whoever said you need to make a child feel bad to behave well anyway? There is another way – a more peaceful and effective way.

Positive Discipline will help you to help your child(ren) develop self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving skills. And there CAN be room for fun and games!

It takes a village.

You’ve no doubt heard the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

Let me be a part of that village – to come alongside you, teaching, supporting, laughing, crying, and celebrating.

After all, this is your experience, too, not just your child’s.

Call or email today!