Where is your office?
My office is located at 1310 E. Kingsley, Ste. C, Springfield, Missouri. I also conduct sessions by use of video conferencing so that you also have the option of your sessions being in the comfort of your home!
What are your office hours?
I see clients Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 6:30 pm.
How long is a typical session?
Sessions are typically 50 minutes, which is considered a clinical hour.
Do you have a cancellation policy?
Kindly let me know as soon as possible if you need to reschedule an appointment so I may fill that spot with someone else. My policy is at least 24 hours’ notice in advance.
How do I set up an initial appointment?
You can click here , call me at (417) 300-4262, or email me at lifefocuscounseling@gmail.com.
Are you a Christian Counselor?

Because I like the connection between human behavior and scripture, I enjoyed my education at a seminary. I come from a Christian perspective but am not a “biblical counselor” or “pastor.”

I enjoy working with people of all faiths! How much we discuss scripture – if at all – is up to you.

With what age range do you work?
I typically work with individuals who are 18 years old and older. However, on occasion I also enjoy working with children or teens.
With what populations do you work?
I see both men and women for individual and couples counseling.
Do you have groups in your practice?
Occasionally, I host an in person or online group related to relationship education. In the group, I feature techniques and insights necessary for a great relationship.
How frequently will I/we need to come to sessions?
I take your schedule and budget into consideration as we determine the frequency of sessions. Sessions are generally once a week but can be more or less often. It is usually most beneficial to have longer and/or more frequent sessions at the beginning of the process.
Do you prescribe medications?
No. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, not a Psychiatrist or medical professional.
Can I see you for couples counseling even if my partner won't come with me?
Yes! Many clients find that even if their partner doesn’t come to counseling with them, the relationship improves as the client seeks help and starts to feel better.
Will you encourage us to divorce?

This decision is totally up to the couple. I have a deep regard for marriage and will encourage couples to heal their relationship. However, some extreme circumstances merit concern for the well-being of all concerned.

Unfortunately, couples often come to counseling as a last-ditch effort, making healing from wounds more difficult. These are the times when couples especially need help and support. It’s never too late to seek help.

What is Positive Discipline?

Positive Discipline (Nelson and Lott) teaches children to become responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of society. It is based on the understanding that the key to positive parenting is not punishment, but rather connection and mutual respect. It is not NO DISCIPLINE; it is POSITIVE DISCIPLINE.

As a therapist, will you tell me (or us) what to do?

Counselors help you sort out your thoughts and feelings to make decisions in ways that will help you feel better. I won’t tell you what to do, but I will support you in exploring your options.

Beach or Mountains?