Transformation from the Inside Out
Become the Best Version of You!
Counseling in Springfield, Missouri
Frozen in time and can’t see the future…
What should I do?
Where can I turn?
Each day is harder to get up, dress, and leave the house for work.
Each step forward is difficult – and often impossible to take.
Remember when your life was going well?
Everything felt ‘right.’
Now you are experiencing emotional disturbance so great you can barely function.
Mental confusion, exhaustion, and relationship problems have taken the place of the calm, productive, happy life you had envisioned.
Something must change, and it needs to come from within.
It’s time to focus on you.
Set aside space for yourself
Instead of all your focus being on others and on completing tasks, let’s figure out how you can set aside time just for you.

Time for self-reflection
Time to consider solutions
Time to heal on the inside
Time to learn new coping skills
Time for healthy relationships
Time to develop a new outlook
Time to focus on YOU, so you can move forward!
Call today.
Hello! I’m Deborah Calhoun.
There are many studies showing links between mental health and physical health – and you probably know this instinctively or have heard someone comment, “It just made me sick.”
I am an avid fitness walker. I know that I walk not only for my physical health, but also for my mental health. Similarly, when I work with a person, I keep in mind that I am working with the whole person – mind, body, and spirit.
Please know that just trying to “power through” or “stuff it down” can only work for a short time before taking its toll on your whole self. It is very much like putting a piece of tape over the check engine light in a car. The car may continue to run for a while, but eventually, the damage will be so severe that the engine may completely fail.
When you and I work together, I will be working from the perspective of healing and maintaining your mind, body, and spirit – not just applying a bandage and moving on. I like to focus on the root of the issue and find long-lasting solutions for the benefit of your whole self.
I would love to work alongside as you become the best version of YOU!

‘Selfish’ isn’t
a dirty word.
Put on your own oxygen mask first – then you can breathe… and help others.
It’s time to focus on YOU!
Let me help you transform from the inside out.